Outcoached by the Mizzouri Team - Pierce Likely Out
New Direction Needed If a week is a long time in politics then it's longer in football. A week ago I wrote a piece supporting Antonio Pierce as the next permanent Raiders head coach. Even yesterday morning I reposted an article by Ross Tucker in the same vein https://www.the33rdteam.com/antonio-pierce-is-earning-raiders-head-coach-job/ Following the Raiders loss to the Mizouri team (yawn....yet again), I can see no way how Antonio Pierce is appointed as the permanent head coach. Roderic Teamer Arrest No coaching staff is entirely responsible for the behaviour of its players off the field but the DUI arrest of Roderic Teamer in the early hours of the Chiefs game, won't help Pierce in any way. The perception is that Pierce manages a lax operation where player autonomy is to the fore. The recent arrest of Teamer does not bode well for this approach long term. The coach should call the shots, not the players. The Raiders blew a 14-0 lead against the Mizzouri team. Pier...